
It is the medical specialty dedicated to pain relief and patient care before, during and after a surgical procedure; To do this: it regulates the patient's level of consciousness, stabilizes their body parameters (body temperature, blood pressure, respiration, body fluids, function: heart, lung and kidney) within a normal range. In addition, it deals with the treatment of acute or chronic pain for non-surgical reasons, for example: analgesia during natural labor and pain relief in cancer patients.
Procedures that include:
General anesthesia
Regional blockades
Conductive anesthesia
Difficult airway management
Pain therapy
Labor anesthesia
Palliative anesthesia

Dr. Eduardo Chavarría
Dr. Ignacio Ramírez
Dr. Mainor Machado
Dr. Walter Rojas Rivera
Dr. Juan Carlos Guerrero
Dr. Eugenia Aguilar