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Hospitalized Patient Guide

Hospital Las Américas, following the purpose of providing quality care, presents the following patient guide so that your access and use of our facilities and services is more satisfactory:

Admission or Admission:

Upon arrival at Hospital Las Américas you must report to the reception staff who will welcome you and help you with the admission process. To speed up the process, you can have your personal identification (identity card or passport) available and the basic medical information that will be requested at the time of entry. If your procedure is through an insurance company, you must inform the reception staff so that the entire process can be expedited. In some cases, you will be asked to sign the corresponding payment guarantee contract.

We remind you that the entry of any type of weapons, alcohol and drugs into the building is prohibited. Neither should you enter with dark glasses or any other accessory that conceals the identity of the patient or their companions, except for justified medical reasons that must be reported upon admission.

Obligation to inform the doctor or nurse:

If the patient presents:

  • Known allergy to any food, drug, or substance.

  • Previous chronic disease for which you are receiving treatment or not, for example: Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Chronic Kidney Disease, COPD, Asthma or others.

  • You are consuming, prescription or not, any medication or substance (including: alcohol, tobacco, other drugs).

  • Any requirement in your treatment process.

You have the obligation to report it to your doctor so that a proper treatment process can be carried out.

Confidentiality of Clinical Records:

Hospital Las Américas assures you that each of our patients is in good hands, so the contents of the clinical file and any personal information that is available to the hospital are considered confidential and all direct workers or employees are obliged to respect this condition. Hospital subcontractors who, in the performance of their functions, have access to this information. Violation of this provision will be considered a serious offense and will have legal, disciplinary and administrative consequences.

It is the patient's decision whether or not their companions are present during the medical consultation. Except in the cases in which their incapacity for such aims is demonstrated. Minors must always be accompanied by their parents or whoever proves with the respective legal documentation that they have parental authority.

Likewise, the patient can request access to this information at any time or, failing that, any person who has a duly legalized power of attorney for this purpose or is their legal representative in the case of minors. You should bear in mind that this information may also be requested by a judge in legal proceedings and by your insurance company (in this case it must be authorized by the patient).

The hospital is obliged to report to the corresponding authorities on suspected cases of domestic violence, violence to minors and any possible act of physical aggression that threatens the safety of our patients or third parties.

Visiting schedule:

Visiting hours are between 8:00 am and 9:00 pm from Monday to Sunday. Any variation in these should be consulted with the medical staff. By hospital regulations it is recommended:

  • Report to reception staff.

  • A maximum of two companions per room.

  • Do not bring children under 12 years of age if it is not necessary, in order not to expose them to possible infections. In cases where minors attend, they must be accompanied by an adult.

  • Avoid visiting hospitalized patients when you are a carrier of an infectious picture, especially if it is respiratory. This in order to avoid possible complications.


The nursing staff will visit you in your room as often as your condition and treatment requires, if you have a need or urgency you can please press the button of the call system to the nursing area that will be given to you upon arrival and the nurse will come to your aid as soon as possible.

Clothes and Bathrooms:

The change of bedding will be carried out by the nursing staff every morning and when the patient needs it. In addition, at that time the patient must bathe since hygiene is of vital importance for his recovery, he must know that a cloth and a medical nightgown will be provided. In case you require assistance during the bath due to physical limitations, the nursing staff will help you.


Nursing will be in charge of supplying you with medications respecting the indications and schedules of your treating doctor, if you chronically take medications, it is your obligation to inform the doctor so that he / she reports it in his / her indications and that its administration is verified by the staff of Nursing.


Hospital Las Américas recommends its patients NOT to bring jewelry, valuables, important documents that require specific custody, if you have entered through the emergency area we ask that your family members take charge of them and in case of not having Accompanying persons can report it to reception who, after a delivery certificate, will guard them until their departure.

Avoid leaving valuables of yours and your companion without proper custody, keep in mind that Hospital Las Américas is NOT responsible for their loss. Hospital staff wear a plaque with your name and title. If you see someone inside your room without a badge, report it immediately to the nurse's area.

Informed consent:

Before each procedure, you must sign the informed consent, which is nothing more than detailed information about the procedure, as well as its possible complications that range from the simplest to the most serious, as well as the risks depending on the patient's health status. The information should be given to you by your treating physician and all the details of the procedure explained clearly and precisely. In this document you must express your willingness to accept or deny any procedure and in the event that you are unable to do so, the family member you designate is the one who will be in charge of its approval or denial. In the case of a minor, their legal representative.

Informed of the Surgical Act:

The surgeon responsible for the intervention, once the surgical act is concluded, will inform the patient's relatives in detail about the general condition of the same, preferably in the patient's room or in the waiting area located in front of the rooms. Hospital Las Américas, out of respect for the privacy and integrity of the patient, will not give specific details by telephone about the condition of the patient unless he or his family expressly authorizes it.

Restricted access:

The operating room and post-surgical recovery areas have restricted access, so we ask family members to wait in the room or living room until the surgical act and post-operative recovery are finished, at which time the patient will be moved to his room by room staff. Always keep in mind that recovery may take time depending on the type of surgery. In the case of a newborn, the nurse is the only one authorized to transfer the newborns to and from the room.

Discharge or Discharge:

To authorize discharge or discharge, the treating physician's report must be completed and only in some cases and with prior authorization from the physician, will the nursing staff do so.

Before your departure, please be aware of the orientation that will be given to you on your subsequent treatment, wound care, etc. and coordinate once with Reception if you need a possible assessment date by your doctor.

The patient's departure from his room will always be done in a wheelchair or stretcher, if the patient requires ambulance service, he must request it in advance to avoid delays, this service will be canceled directly from the ambulance staff. In case you want voluntary discharge, you must sign a document where you are responsible for the consequences of it.

Conduct within the facilities:

All patients, their companions and visitors must maintain proper conduct and respectful treatment towards Hospital personnel, as well as towards other patients and their families. If the patient or his family incur in acts of threat, verbal or physical violence against our collaborators, other patients or people in general, the Hospital reserves the right to issue disciplinary discharge as long as the patient's life is not compromised, as well as deny entry to the companions who have incurred in these events.

  • Accompanying persons, patients, visitors or Hospital personnel are prohibited from filming, recording conversations and taking photographs in any hospital or surgical area in order to respect the privacy and integrity of all patients and their families; except in cases where it is previously expressed and coordinated with the administration staff, collaborators and patients and this act is fully authorized by all parties involved.

  • Companions are prohibited from lying on the bed of patients

  • Keep in mind that within the facilities of Hospital Las Américas smoking is prohibited by virtue of law 9028 that prohibits smoking in public places and health, we do not allow the use of Electronic Cigarettes

  • Always speak in a low voice

  • The access of companions in a drunken state is prohibited because it can endanger the patient's condition.

Religious Assistance:

Patients may receive spiritual or religious assistance, in accordance with their creed or religion, as long as it is not carried out in common areas and is within their confinement at an adequate volume. This in order not to affect the tranquility of other patients admitted or who are being treated.

Catastrophe o Emergencies:

Dear patient for your safety in case of Emergencies such as: earthquakes, fires, floods or others, you must follow the instructions of our staff who are properly trained to help you at all times. They will indicate the evacuation route to follow, which is signposted.

Complaints and suggestions:

If you have a suggestion or complaint about your experience at the Hospital Americas you can fill out the form found in the reception area and nursing or you can do it through our website or mail

Phone: +506-2771-7115


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© 2023 Hospital Las Américas All Rights Reserved, San Isidro de El General, Pérez Zeledón, San José, Costa Rica

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