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Users of health services have the right to the following:

  1. Receive clear, concise and timely information on their rights and duties, as well as on the correct way to exercise them.

  2. To be informed of the name, surname, professional degree and position of the health personnel who provide care.

  3. Receive the necessary information and, based on it, provide or not your authorization to administer a certain procedure or medical treatment.

  4. Receive, without any distinction, a dignified treatment with respect, consideration and kindness.

  5. Receive medical care with due diligence and efficiency.

  6. Be attended to without delay in emergency situations.

  7. To be attended to punctually according to the appointment received, except in justified situations of unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure.

  8. Refuse to be examined or treated, except in exceptional or emergency situations, provided for in other laws, in which public health, the common good and the rights of third parties prevail.

  9. Obtain the consent of a legal representative when possible and legally relevant, if the patient is unconscious or cannot express his will. If a legal representative is not available and medical intervention is urgently needed, the consent of the patient must be assumed, unless it is obvious and there is no doubt, based on what was previously expressed by the patient or by prior conviction , that he would reject intervention in such a situation.

  10. Accept or reject the proposal to participate in clinical research studies.

  11. Have access to your medical record and receive information on your case.

  12. Receive care in a clean, safe, and comfortable environment.

  13. Make sure that the confidential nature of your medical history and all information related to your illness is respected, except when, by special law, notice must be given to the health authorities. In teaching cases, users of health services must give their consent for their condition to be analyzed.

  14. Arrange, at the time they deem appropriate, the donation of their organs.

  15. Submit claims to the management of Hospital Las Américas and the corresponding authorities when their rights have been violated.

  16. Make use of their personal effects during the hospitalization, subject to the rules of the establishment and provided that this does not affect the rights of other patients.

  17. Receive an account with the detail and explanation of all the expenses incurred in your treatment.

  18. Indicate the names of the people who will have priority to visit them, if their state allows them to receive visits.


Users of health services have the following duties:

  1. Provide the most complete information possible in relation to your health status, previous illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and other conditions related to your health.

  2. Comply with the instructions and indications given to them, appropriately, by the health personnel.

  3. Take responsibility for your actions or omissions, when they do not follow the instructions of your health care provider.

  4. Respect the rights of staff and other users of health services.

  5. Contribute in a timely manner, when they have the resources, to the financing of the public health services of the Republic.

  6. Any other obligation established in other legal provisions.

Phone: +506-2771-7115


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