Internal Medicine
Branch of medicine that specializes in preventing, diagnosing and treating diseases in adults, without using surgical procedures. Often times, the internist is the most important healthcare professional for a person and may coordinate the treatment given by other specialists. Internists usually have at least three additional years of postgraduate training focused on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases that affect adults, including chronic conditions such as heart disease.
Although the internist doctor takes care of the clinical, comprehensive and complete care of patients with health problems, his field of action can extend to outpatient care, hospital outpatient consultations or specific consultations of this specialty in a Health Center . Some of the subspecialties of internal medicine include:
Allergies and immunology
Cardiology (heart disease)
Endocrinology (hormone disorders)
Hematology (blood disorders)
Infectious diseases
Gastroenterology (diseases of the digestive system)
Nephrology (kidney disease)
Oncology (cancer)
Pneumology (lung diseases)
Rheumatology (arthritis and musculoskeletal disorders)
Dr. Chao