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This medical specialty studies children and their diseases from 0 to 11 years old, focuses on the healthy growth and development of children through the early diagnosis of any disease, for this, screenings, controls and follow-ups are carried out against factors risks that may affect its integral development, such as:


  • Monitoring of psychomotor development through standardized guidelines

  • Hip dysplasia screening

  • Screening for sensory deficits such as deafness

  • Early detection of visual problems

  • Control of blood pressure in children older than three years

The specialist monitors the infant to help parents acquire techniques for their care, formation of habits, vaccination, healthy eating and prevention of risks and accidents. In addition, there are consultations in the different specialties if required.



Pediatric care ranging from newborn to 11 years.


WhatsApp Image 2019-05-13 at 8.04.58 PM.

Dr. Jorge Villalobos

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